About us

DelftCoin is aimed at being a resource for everyone interested in practical How-to’s of crypto currencies, NFT, decentralized finance, and wider adoption of the evolving cryptoverse. It covers the daily operations of coins, tokens, exchanges, lending platforms, hardware, and so on in this website’s first incarnation. Hardware like cold wallet also falls in the website’s scope, like Ledger Nano, Trezor, and KeepKey. We at DelftCoin aim to provide tutorials, how-to’s, and guides for cryptoverse citizens of all ages and ethnics.

The website name - DelftCoin is inspired by the popular programming tutorial website - DelftStack. Also it is named after the unique Dutch city - Delft where its founder has built up life for years. It is one of the most historical yet high-tech innovative cities in the Netherlands full of start-ups, enterprises, and business accelerators such as Yes!Delft and Buccaneer Delft. The contributors behind DelftCoin do so believing that knowledge is best shared with a broad audience and doing so ease the adoption of cryptoverse by mass population.

The website was born and is maintained under the directive of Jun-Ju Wu as a socioeconomic project in search of a better understanding of human behaviors (including himself) to maximize the impact he has in life and the cryptoverse.

The license for the content is the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. It means you are free to share and modify these works, as long as you shall link the content back to its original URL.

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